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Greetings! Welcome to Glamoury, a little space on the web devoted to my great interest regarding the Celts. For the better portion of my life I have been captivated by Celtic culture, prehapes it is due to the Celts great love of nature and life, or yet it is something much deeper. At any rate, the Celtic way is the true epitome of all that I hold dear, and it is the main goal of this site to share my enthusiasm with others.

If you are looking to expand your "technical" knowledge of the Celts, I recomend checking out my essential reading list that will get you started on coming into a better understanding of the Celts and their culture. Contained herein is a very basic FAQ's section that is meant to answer common Celtic questions, again, I recommend reading as many published works as you can; the internet, in most cases, is no substitute. I must admit that I am more than a bit partial to Celtic women and their place in myth, history and legend, so most of the sections of this site are in some way connected to a more feminine viewpoint. Sorry 'fellas:-)

Adopt-a-Knot has finally arrived at Glamoury! Now you can bring a little Celtic spirit and culture to your own webpage, or add some more if it has a Celtic theme. Don't miss out, adopt your knot now! In addition, please check out the fantastic new Celtic Quiz. This section is brand new and is designed to challenge a broad spectrum of Celtic enthusiasts.

There have been visitors to Glamoury since September of 1999

Glamoury A Journey Through The Celtic Mysts
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by Jayme Rushing unless otherwise stated
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